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Modelling & Simulation 


In the development of new products or optimizing designs, computer simulation has attracted researchers from both industry and university, attention due to promising features of digital analysis of the components. In this manner, Comsol Multiphysics become more apparent among other programs due to the friendly user interface. 


Since the results of the modelling & simulation of the hydrothermal electrolysis system is under preparation to be submitted to an international journal, they will be shared on this Marie Curie project website after the publication.



The simulation indicates a model component which includes geometry (batch reactor) and physics (e.g Heat Transfer in Solids & Fluids, Mass Transfer, etc.). The components of system can be described in 3D, 2D or 1D. The choose of dimensions of simulation can be arranged according to system configuration.

Velocity Profile

Velocity Profile

The modular mixer module provides to investigate the spatial variation velocity within the mixing fluid. The mixing can be achieved by two different mixer types as Rushton turbine and a baffled dished bottom mixer. The mixing can be simulated by either laminar or turbulent. Mixing occurs between the top and bottom vortices but less intensely than within each vortex. This phenomenon is referred to as compartmentalization and is a characteristic feature of radial impellers. By changing the design

Temperature Distribution

Temperature Distribution

The application of heat conduction in a cylindrical geometry is given here. This model shows an axisymmetric steady-state thermal analysis of the cross section of a 3D. There are three types of set points as prescribed heat flux and temperature, insulation around the cylinder can be adjusted.

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