Yuksel Research Group
Conference Publications (Proceedings)
Orak C., Altınbaş B. F. & Özşen A. Y. (2023). Jeotermal Sulardan NMDG Fonskiyonel Grubu İçeren Selüloz Bazlı Adsorbent Varlığında Bor Giderimi. UKMK-15 15. Ulusal Kimya Mühendisliği Kongresi. September 4-7, 2023, Çanakkale, Türkiye
Recepoğlu Y. K. & Özşen A. Y. (2022). Synthesis and Application of Cellulose-based Functionalized Adsorbent for the Recovery of Lithium from Aqueous Solutions. IEX2020-A Vision for the Future. September 8-10, 2022, Manuscript No: 3064023. Cambridge, UK
Altınbaş B. F & Yüksel A. (2022). Development of Cellulose-Based Adsorbent for Boron Recovery from Water Resources. The World Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air (EUWCSWEA2022). May 3-4, 2022, Porto, Portugal
Gozaydin, G., & Yuksel, A. (2018). How to Add Value to Waste Hazelnut Shell by Using Subcritical Water as a Reaction Medium?. 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF2018).Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins- FRANCE, 22-25
Ersanli, Ç., & Özşen, A. Y. (2018). Mineralization of Olive Mill Wastewater via Hydrothermal Degradation Reactions in Subcritical Water Medium. International Water and Environment Congress. Bursa-TURKEY
Akin, O., & Yuksel, A. (2017). Conversion of Cellulose to High Value Platform Chemicals by Applying Direct Current in Hot-compressed Water. 16th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2017). Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Gozaydin, G., & Yuksel, A. (2016). Hydrothermal Degradation of Various Biomasses into Value-Added Chemicals. 12th National Chemical Engineering Conference (UKMK2016), August 23-26, 2016, Wyndham Grand Hotel, İzmir, TURKEY
Yuksel, A., & Akin, O. (2014). Acid-catalyzed Degradation of Biomass with Hydrothermal Electrolysis for the Production of Value-added Chemicals. AMADEUS-4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference. Bordeaux, FRANCE
Akin, O., & Yuksel, A. (2014). Software Simulation of Electrolysis Reaction of Biomass Under Hydrothermal Conditions. AMADEUS-4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference. Bordeaux, FRANCE
Yuksel, A. (2014). Acid-catalyzed Degradation of Biomass with Hydrothermal Electrolysis for the Production of Value-added Chemicals. American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, March 16-20, 2014, Manuscript No: 455, Dallas, Texas, USA
Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2012). Electrolysis of Alcohols in High Temperature- High Pressure Water. The Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, November 25- 30, 2012, Manuscript No: C2.05 ,Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2010). A New Environmentally Friendly Technique: Hydrothermal Electrolysis to Decompose Organic Contaminants”, The 4th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST2010), May 25-26, 2010, Izmir, Turkey
Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2010). Hydrothermal Degradation of Glycerol by Electrolysis in Sub-critical Water. 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, May 9- 12, (2010), ISBN: 978-2905267-72-6, Manuscript No: P-19, Graz, Austria
Sasaki, M., Oshikawa, T., Koga, H., Yuksel, A., Diono, W., & Goto, M. (2009). Reaction Pathway Analysis for Electrolysis of Alcohols and Sugars in Sub-Critical Water. 09AlChE Annual Meeting, (2009). P-262 ISBN: 978-0-8169-1058-6, Nashville, TN, USA
Diono, W., Kuroda, T., Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2009). Hydrothermal Processes for Removal of Wastewater Containing Organic Pollutants. The 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Technology (Supergreen 2009), Sendai, JAPAN, Manuscript No: P2-319
Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2009). Treatment of Biodiesel Wastewater by Electrolysis in Sub-critical Water. The 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Technology (Supergreen 2009). Sendai, JAPAN, Manuscript No: P2-311
Yuksel, A., Koga, H., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2009). Treatment of BDF Wastewater with Hydrothermal Electrolysis. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF2009). Arcachon, FRANCE, Manuscript No: C33-CO90
Goto, M., Yuksel, A., Koga, H., & Sasaki, M. (2009). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of BDF Wastewater Containing Glycerol. The 4th International Symposium on Material Cycling Engineering, Osaka, JAPAN, Manuscript No: P-20
Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2008). Electrolysis of Organic Compounds in Sub-critical Water. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Chemical Engineering. Saga, JAPAN, Manuscript No: OC-13
Goto, M., Koga, H., Yuksel, A., Sasaki, M., & Kuwahara, Y. (2008). Electrochemical Reaction of Alcohols in Sub-Critical Water. 08AlChE Annual Meeting, P-255 ISBN: 978- 0-8169-1050-2, Philadelphia, USA
Goto, M., Yuksel, A., Koga, H., Hayashi, R., Diono, W., & Sasaki, M. (2008). Reaction of Organic Compounds by Hydrothermal Electrolysis in Subcritical Water. The 3rd International Symposium on Material Cycling Engineering, Osaka, JAPAN, Manuscript No: PS-1-13
Yuksel, A., Diono, W., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2007). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Various Alcohols in Sub-critical Water. The 5th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Technology (Supergreen 2007). Seoul, KOREA, Manuscript No:P02-43
Yuksel, A., Diono, W., Hayashi, R., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2007). Electrical Treatment of Various Alcohols in Sub-critical Water for Understanding Electrochemical Reaction Behavior. Proceedings of International Symposium on EcoTopia Science (ISETS07). ISSN: 240711. Nagoya, JAPAN
Yuksel, A., Diono, W., Sasaki, M., & Goto, M. (2007). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Organic Contaminants. 07AlChE Annual Meeting. P-246 ISBN: 978-08169-1022-9, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA