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Presentations at International Conferences

  1. Recepoğlu, Y.K, and Yüksel Özşen, A. (2023, 30 October-02 November). Utilization of Phosphorylated Hazelnut Shell Waste in a Column for Continuous Lithium Recovery from Water [Paper presentation]. 5th International Environmental Chemistry Congress, Antalya Turkiye. Manuscript No: 3064023.

  2. Recepoğlu, Y.K, and Yüksel Özşen, A. (2022, September 8-10). Synthesis and Application of Cellulose-based Functionalized Adsorbent for the Recovery of Lithium from Aqueous Solutions [Paper presentation]. IEX2020-A Vision for the Future, Cambridge, UK. Manuscript No: 3064023.

  3. Altınbaş, B.F., and Yüksel, A. (2022, May 3-4). Development of Cellulose-Based Adsorbent for Boron Recovery from Water Resources [Paper presentation]. The World Conference on Soil, Water, Energy and Air (EUWCSWEA2022). Porto, Portugal

  4. Recepoğlu, Y.K, and Yüksel Özşen, A. (2022, March 3-4). Development of Sustainable and Cost Effective Biosorbent from Hazelnut Shell Waste for Lithium Extraction from Water [Paper presentation]. The 7th International Conference Ecological and Environmental Chemistry. Chisinau, Rebubic of Moldova.

  5. Orak C. and Yüksel A. (January 28-29, 2022). Selective Catalytic Hydrogenation of Glucose into Sorbitol with Ru/SBA-15-SO3 [Paper presentation]. V-International European Conference on Interdisciplinary Scientific Research, Valencia, Spain

  6. Orak C. and Yuksel A. (December 3-4, 2021). Hydrogen Production from Sugar Factory Wastewater Using Solar Light-Driven Hybrid Catalyst [Paper presentation]. International World Energy Conference, Kayseri, Turkey

  7. Demirkaya E., Dal O., Yuksel A. (April 08-11, 2019). Biomass Valorization for Bio-oil Production in Supercritical Fluids [Paper presentation]. 17th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2019), ITQUIMA Ciudad Real, SPAIN

  8. Yuksel A. and Orak C. (March 31-April 04, 2019). Hydrogen Production from Sugar Beet Wastewater in the Presence of Perovskite Type Catalysts by Photocatalytic Oxidation [Paper presentation]. 257th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, Manuscript No: 3064023.

  9. Yüksel A. and Gözaydın G. (April 22-25, 2018). How to Add Value to Waste Hazelnut Shell by Using Subcritical Water as a Reaction Medium? [Paper presentation]. 12th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF2018), Antibes-Juan-Les-Pins- FRANCE

  10. Ersanlı Ç. and Yüksel Özşen A. (March 22-24, 2018). Mineralization of Olive Mill Wastewater via Hydrothermal Degradation Reactions in Subcritical Water Medium [Paper presentation]. International Water and Environment Congress, Bursa-TURKEY

  11. Yuksel A. and Akin O. (April 25-28, 2017). Conversion of Cellulose to High Value Platform Chemicals by Applyiny Direct Current in Hot-compressed Water [Paper presentation]. 16th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids (EMSF 2017), Lisbon, PORTUGAL

  12. Akin O. and Yuksel A. (September 30-October 03, 2015). Conversion of Microcrystalline Cellulose to Value-Added Chemicals in Hot Compressed Water” [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies (GCSTI2015), Izmir, TURKEY

  13. Gözaydın G. and Yuksel A. (September 30-October 03, 2015). Liquefaction of Various Biomasses by Using Subcritical Water as a Reaction Media” [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technologies (GCSTI2015), Izmir, TURKEY

  14. Yuksel A. and Akın O. (October 26-29, 2014). Acid-catalyzed Degradation of Biomass with Hydrothermal Electrolysis for the Production of Value-added Chemicals [Paper presentation]. AMADEUS-4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference, Bordeaux, FRANCE

  15. Akın O and Yuksel A. (October 26-29, 2014). Software Simulation of Electrolysis Reaction of Biomass Under Hydrothermal Conditions [Paper presentation]. AMADEUS-4th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference, Bordeaux, FRANCE

  16. Yuksel A. (March 16-20, 2014). Acid-catalyzed Degradation of Biomass with Hydrothermal Electrolysis for the Production of Value-added Chemicals [Paper presentation].  American Chemical Society (ACS) Meeting, Dallas, Texas, USA, Manuscript No: 455.

  17. Yuksel A. (January 7-9, 2013). Degradation of Azo-Dyes by Hydrothermal Electrolysis Technique [Paper presentation]. The 6th International Perspective on Water Resources & The Environment, , İzmir, TURKEY

  18. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (November 25-30, 2012). Electrolysis of Alcohols in High Temperature-High Pressure Water [Paper presentation]. The Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

  19. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (December 15-16, 2010). Electrolysis Reaction Mechanism for Glycerol in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. The 5th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST2010), Kumamoto, JAPAN

  20. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (November 18-19, 2010). Electrolysis Reaction Pathway for Glycerol in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation].  SCEJ (The Society of Chemical Engineers in Japan), Nagasaki, JAPAN

  21. Oshikawa T., Yuksel A., Hiromichi K., Sasaki M., Goto M. (September 06-08, 2010). Reaction Mechanism of Glycerol and Saccharides by Hydrothermal Electrolysis [Paper presentation]. Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan The 42nd Autumn Meeting, Kyoto, JAPAN

  22. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (July 27-29, 2010). A New Green Technology: Hydrothermal Electrolysis for the Treatment of Biodiesel Wastewater [Paper presentation]. The 2nd International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference 2010 (ISHA2010), Beijing, CHINA

  23. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (May 25-26, 2010). A New Environmentally Friendly Technique: Hydrothermal Electrolysis to Decompose Organic Contaminants [Paper presentation]. The 4th International Student Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST2010), Izmir, TURKEY

  24. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (May 9-12, 2010). Hydrothermal Degradation of Glycerol by Electrolysis in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. 12th European Meeting on Supercritical Fluids, Graz, AUSTRIA

  25. Sasaki M., Yuksel A., Wahyudiono, Goto M. (March 8-9, 2010). Continuous Degradation of Model BDF Production Waste Using Hydrothermal Electrolysis  [Paper presentation]. The 5th International Symposium on Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Green Chemistry and Material Sciences, TAIWAN

  26. Sasaki M., Oshikawa T., Koga H., Yuksel A., Wahyu Diono, Goto M. (November 8-13, 2009). Reaction Pathway Analysis for Electrolysis of Alcohols and Sugars in Sub-Critical Water [Paper presentation].  09AlChE Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA

  27. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (October 30-31, 2009). Treatment of Biodiesel Wastewater with Hydrothermal Electrolysis [Paper presentation]. SCEJ (The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan) 2nd Three-Branch Joint Meeting, Kitakyushu, JAPAN

  28. Wahyudiono, Kuroda T., Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (October 15-17,2009). Hydrothermal Processes for Removal of Wastewater Containing Organic Pollutants [Paper presentation]. The 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Technology (Supergreen 2009),Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN

  29. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (October 15-17,2009). Treatment of Biodiesel Wastewater by Electrolysis in Sub-critical Water” [Paper presentation]. The 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Technology (Supergreen 2009),Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN

  30. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (September 27-October 1, 2009). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of BDF Wastewater by Batch and Flow Type Reactors [Paper presentation]. 2nd Hope Meeting “Art in Science” (together with Nobel laureates), Hakone, Kanagawa Prefecture, JAPAN 

  31. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (September 13-16, 2009). Treatment of Model Biodiesel Wastewater by Autoclave Electrolysis in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. Kumamoto University Global COE Program “Global Initiative Center for Pulsed Power Engineering” International COE Forum on Pulsed Power Engineering & Young Researcher Training Camp, Kumamoto, JAPAN

  32. Sasaki M., Oshikawa T., Yuksel A., Koga H., Kuwahara Y., Goto M. (July 26-31, 2009). Electrolysis Reaction Pathways for Alcohols and Sugars in Sub-Critical Water [Paper presentation]. International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology (Joint AIRAPT-22 & HPCJ-50), Odaiba, Tokyo, JAPAN

  33. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (July 11, 2009). Treatment of Model Biodiesel Wastewater by Autoclave Electrolysis in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. 46th Godo Conference, Kitakyushu, JAPAN

  34. Yuksel A., Koga H., Sasaki M., Goto M. (May 18-20, 2009). Treatment of BDF Wastewater with Hydrothermal Electrolysis [Paper presentation]. 9th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids (ISSF 2009), Arcachon, FRANCE

  35. Goto M., Yuksel A., Koga H., Sasaki M. (March 10-11, 2009). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of BDF Wastewater Containing Glycerol [Paper presentation]. The 4th International Symposium on Material Cycling Engineering, Osaka, JAPAN

  36. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (March 9-10, 2009). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of BDF Wastewater by Batch and Flow Type Reactors [Paper presentation]. Green & Sustainable Chemistry Network 2009 (GSCN), Tokyo, JAPAN

  37. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (December 6-8, 2008). Electrolysis of Organic Compounds in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. Japan-South Korea International Joint Symposium, Saga, JAPAN

  38. Goto M., Koga H. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Kuwahara Y. (November 16-21, 2008). Electrochemical Reaction of Alcohols in Sub-Critical Water [Paper presentation]. 08AlChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA

  39. Yuksel A., Koga H., Sasaki M., Goto M. (September 8-10, 2008). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Various Alcohols in Sub-critical Water for Understanding Electrochemical Reaction Behavior [Paper presentation]. International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference 2008 (ISHA2008), Nottingham, UK

  40. Yuksel A., Koga H., Sasaki M., Goto M. (June 26-28, 2008). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Organic Compounds in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Symposium on Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Green Chemistry and Material Science, Kumamoto, JAPAN

  41. Goto M., Yuksel A., Koga H., Hayashi R., Wahyudiono, Sasaki M. (March 13-14, 2008). Reaction of Organic Compounds by Hydrothermal Electrolysis in Subcritical Water [Paper presentation]. The 3rd International Symposium on Material Cycling Engineering, Osaka, JAPAN

  42. Yuksel A., Wahyudiono, Sasaki M., Goto M. (November 28-30,2007 ). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Various Alcohols in Sub-critical Water [Paper presentation]. The 5th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluid Technology (Supergreen 2007), Seoul National University, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA

  43. Yuksel A., Wahyudiono, Hayashi R., Sasaki M., Goto M. (November 23-25, 2007). Electrical Treatment of Various Alcohols in Sub-critical Water for Understanding Electrochemical Reaction Behavior [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Eco Topia Science 2007, Nagoya, JAPAN

  44. Yuksel A., Wahyudiono, Sasaki M., Goto M. (November 4-9, 2007). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Organic Contaminants [Paper presentation]. 07 AlChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

  45. Yuksel A., Sasaki M., Goto M. (September 13-15, 2007). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Organic Compounds [Paper presentation]. Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan The 39th Autumn Meeting, Sapporo, JAPAN

  46. Yuksel A., Kuroda T. Hayashi R., Sasaki M., Goto M. (March 2-6, 2007). Hydrothermal Electrolysis of Organic Wastewater Contaminants [Paper presentation]. 1st International Symposium on Applications of Supercritical Fluids in Green Chemistry and Material Science, Beijing, CHINA

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